One of our long time customers, Ritz Grill in Langley BC, was severely affected because of the stay at home orders and had to close their dining area and all catering operations.. As a way to adjust to the situation, Ritz Grill is now offering Ritz Meals On The Go. Ritz Meals On The Go offers a variety of fully cooked, individually wrapped and ready to be reheated meals that you can take home with you. Meals such as Warm Asian Noodle Salad, Slow Roasted Pork Pot Roast Stew, and Chicken Lasagna are prepared right in their kitchen and made ready for you to take home and heat up. The meals even come with simple heating instructions for the kitchen challenged folks like me.

For this project, 14 Oranges provided a new meal ordering form system that can easily be modified by the staff at Ritz Grill as they see fit. Built inside WordPress, the system offers the ability to show optional images for each menu item as well as the ability to offer menu item options such as extra chicken or side salads to name a few. Connected to Stripe for payment processing, the system expands on the previous lunch ordering system 14 Oranges built in 2019.
Ritz Grill was also recently featured on JoyTV
New menu options come out every week so keep coming back to the Ritz Meals On the Go page to see what they have in “store”.
If you need to add or expand your e-commerce offerings to your website, contact us and we will be happy to chat with you and figure out a solution that will match your requirements and budget.
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